Pin Up Hairstyle Book

If you’re looking to do pin up hairstyles and have an authentic look, you probably...
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Pin Up Hairstyle Videos

Pin Up Bangs tutorial video starring the awesome Cherry Dollface. This video shows...
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Pin Up Bangs tutorial video starring the awesome Cherry Dollface. This video shows how to do Pin Up Bangs or Vintage Bumper Bangs. Items she will be using in this video is a Hair Rat. Hair rats can be found on Amazon.Com, just search Hair Rat. Also with the use of a hair rat it makes doing the Pin Up Bangs much easier. I fact it makes doing many... [Read more of this review]

Victory Rolls Tutorial by Cherry Dollface Cherry Dollface, an acquaintance of mine has a channel on YouTube.Com and one of her videos is a Victory Rolls Tutorial. This tutorial is done with fast motion and regular motion video to speed through the slow parts of doing your hair, especially the curling. Victory Rolls Tutorial With this Victory Rolls Tutorial... [Read more of this review]

How To Do Victory Rolls If you are looking to learn How To Do Victory Rolls, you’ve come to the right place. My friend Nikki Napalm of Southern California has put together a video detailing how to do victory rolls. She has done hair for my shoots on several occasions and I can honestly say she really knows her stuff and how to do victory rolls.... [Read more of this review]

How To Do Reverse Victory Rolls Reverse Victory Rolls The name Victory Rolls or Reverse Victory Rolls, came from a maneuver a fighter plane would do with the victory of an aerial battle. After WWII the ladies started calling this type of hairdo with the large barrel curls, victory rolls or reverse victory rolls, as a fashion statement attesting... [Read more of this review]

Burlesque Hairstyles Video Tutorials Burlesque Hairstyles come from the showgirls of old in the days of burlesque and peep shows. The term and show of burlesque was made popular during the period of 1860-1940’s America when it was usually done in a variety show atmosphere in cabarets or night clubs. Often with a comedic flare and a flare for the... [Read more of this review]

The Beehive hairdo also known as the B-52 was a hairstyle made famous in the 50’s and created by Margaret Vinci of Margaret Vinci Coiffures in Chicago. The name B-52 for the Beehive hairstyle came from the similar look that a B-52 fortress bomber has with it’s bulb like nose. The music group “The B-52’s” Got their name... [Read more of this review]

The bouffant hairdo was a hairstyle that was mainstream in the mid-to-late 18th century western Europe. Thought to be created for Marie Antoinette, because she had thin hair and desired to create an illusion of having lot’s of very full hair. In more modern times, late 60’s early 70’s, the bouffant hairdo was popular in Western... [Read more of this review]

Lauren Rennells, author of the book Vintage Hairstyling, has a companion book that goes hand in hand with it called Retro Makeup: Techniques for Applying the Vintage Look. With these two books anyone can re-create that pin up model look for those rockabilly nights out on the town. Rennells goes back through the years of 1920s, 1930s, 1940, 1950s... [Read more of this review]

How To Do Wet Set Pin Curls – Part 2 In How To Do Wet Set Pin Curls Part 1, we started with this look, and concluding the tutorial is part 2 here. Remember this style takes some time and practice, so keep at it and you will get it before you know it. Before long you will be doing this style in a fraction of the time it took you when you first... [Read more of this review]

How To Do Wet Set Pin Curls – Part 1 If you want to learn how to do Authentic Pin Up Hairstyles, then you need to know how to do Wet Set Pin Curls. Pin Curls were typically done wet, which is the reason it is called the wet set pin curls. If you watch a tutorial with someone using a curling iron, run as fast as you can. This is not true authentic... [Read more of this review]

If you’re looking to do pin up hairstyles and have an authentic look, you probably want to get the book by Lauren Rennell’s called Vintage Hairstyling: Retro Hairstyles with Step-by-Step Techniques. Lauren Rennells has created a work of art in this book for ladies who wish to recreate the look of the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and... [Read more of this review]

Pin Up Hairstyles Video Tutorials We have articles and more on Pin Up Hairstyles, but we thought a few video tutorials on how to do Pin Up Hairstyles would be appropriate. These are the best of the best found on YouTube and brought to you here. Many of these are quick and easy to do and with a little practice you’ll be able to get then out in... [Read more of this review]
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